Q: What should I wear if I'm attending my first training session?
A: Standard indoor sportswear; T-shirt and shorts, training tops and bottoms if desired. Clean, non-marking,
indoor sports shoes.
- Please avoid clothing with large zips, buttons or other hard inclusions as these can injure other players.
- Similarly be prepared to remove all jewellery, wristwatches and wristbands.
- Rings or piercings which cannot be removed should be taped over.
- Glasses may only be worn if they are specific for sports use and are shatterproof.
Q: How are the sessions structured, and which should I attend?
A: In the 1h Wednesday training slots (Junior and Senior) we aim to focus mostly on development, i.e. complete
beginners are welcome in addition to more experienced players and we aim to train basic personal skills such as shooting
and movement in attack/defence etc. Everyone is welcome to join these sessions, regardless of their experience level.
There will generally be around 10-15min warm-up, 20-30min exercises/shooting/passing and a 15-20min practise match each week,
allowing everyone to play in different positions and to try to improve their overall game.
On Thursdays, our main 2h senior training session combines the team-specific training for the men's and women's 1st teams
with the rest of the keen players. Again, everyone is welcome to join, but you should have at least a basic understanding
of the rules in terms of steps, passing, defence, etc., and not be intimidated by being mixed in with experienced players.
Part of the training focusses on the interplay between players from the team, but with exercises that benefit everyone, sometimes
splitting up into different groups. There is usually time for a 30-40min game in the end, but part of that is also
used for the team to play together which may slightly limit who can be played on which position... but still everyone will
get some game time.